As we near the end of the program, the youth are working hard on one of their final projects to show their visions for the future. They are reflecting on short and long-term goals while expressing those goals creatively. One youth had such a good time putting his vision board together that he plans to hang it up in his room after he leaves the program! This is exactly what we like to hear. The goals you set in the program and the work we do to affirm ourselves should continue long after the summer ends.
Teamwork gets even more exciting at NSTS with team scavenger hunts! Two teams had a couple of minutes to make seven clues for the other team to find hidden NSTS merch. Turns out great minds think alike because one team placed a clue in the same location that the other team hid their treasure. Being flexible and thinking on the fly is an important part of this activity and youth used their sleuthing skills together to achieve their common goals.
Mr. Craig made his last visit to teach Financial Literacy. The youth learned about budgeting, credit vs. debit, and some basic tax information. We learned some key tips on budgeting and getting your credit score, as well as how to keep it high. The youth also asked questions about student loans and the typical expenses that someone needs to budget for. We also practiced the importance of compound interest by crunching the numbers and looked at how much money a million dollars really is.
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