All District Reads and Next Step to Success are writing stories of success in Norfolk

All District Reads and Next Step to Success are writing stories of success in Norfolk

March 05, 2024
The nonprofit organization All District Reads, dedicated to building literacy rates among underserved youth, shared details about their continued success in Norfolk, Virginia, at a lunch hosted by fellow nonprofit Next Step to Success. The All District Reads campaign aims to continue its incredible work by providing two children's novels annually to Norfolk elementary school students. However, the impact goes beyond just providing books. The community is actively participating in this initiative, with bus drivers, police officers, superintendents, and other community members joining in and reading the books themselves. This creates a community of cheerleaders, encouraging young people to develop a love for reading. This program recognizes that building literacy skills is not solely the responsibility of schools and teachers but requires the entire community's involvement. By engaging parents and individuals from various professions and backgrounds, the campaign seeks to create a supportive network that motivates and inspires children to embrace reading and its many benefits. For example, the involvement of bus drivers, who interact with students daily, is particularly significant. These drivers become transporters, mentors, and role models for the children they serve. By taking the time to read and discuss the books with the students, they show a genuine interest in their education and personal development. Additionally, the participation of police officers and superintendents further emphasizes the importance of literacy in the community. When individuals in positions of authority actively support and encourage reading, it sends a powerful message to young people about the value and impact of literacy. This campaign recognizes that building a foundation for success starts with fostering a love of reading at an early age. The impact of All District Reads extends beyond the immediate benefits of improved literacy. Reading opens doors to imagination, knowledge, and critical thinking skills. It helps children develop empathy, expand their worldview, and enhance academic performance. By investing in the literacy development of underserved youth, the organization is improving individual lives and contributing to the long-term growth and prosperity of the community as a whole. The Next Step to Success team is proud to support this fantastic program, as we share similar goals and beliefs. All youth want to succeed, all youth can succeed, and all youth deserve a chance to earn success.

To learn more about how you can support All District Reads, please visit:

To learn more about how you can support Next Step to Success please visit: