Partner Spotlight: The Urban League of Hampton Roads

Partner Spotlight: The Urban League of Hampton Roads

November 08, 2022
Next Step To Success (NSTS) is honored to partner with the Urban League of Hampton Roads in our mutual quest to help Norfolk youth succeed and achieve greater economic prosperity. It is for that reason that the Urban League implements Project Ready, a college readiness program geared to youth who historically are underrepresented in higher education. The goal of Project Ready is to expose youth to the many possibilities of a higher education and provide them with the skills they need in a postsecondary academic setting.
Partner Spotlight: The Urban League of Hampton Roads
Partner Spotlight: The Urban League of Hampton Roads

Each week, NSTS youth engage in culturally relevant and experiential learning exercises that expose teens to the expectations of being a college student. University students need a wide range of competencies for what takes place both inside and outside of the classroom.

NSTS’ Project Ready centers on social-emotional learning and soft skills such as leadership, communication, and self-advocacy. Through Project Ready, NSTS youth will have the practical tools they need to continue their education after high school. Teens will understand the college admissions process and what it takes to stay in school and graduate with their respective degrees. Youth also learn how to advocate for themselves as college students and how to access resources on a college campus.

To date, Project Ready has received positive feedback from NSTS youth. A student from Maury High School recently told NSTS staff “I enjoy the people (from Project Ready). They are cool and we learn from each other.” Another shared that she now wants to go to an HBCU as a result of participating in this innovative project. We are deeply grateful for this educational opportunity that the Urban League has afforded Next Step To Success.